About the Parish Council
The Parish Council is the lowest tier of Local Government, whose activities fall into three main categories:
- representing the local community
- delivering services to meet local needs
- improving the quality of life and community well being.
Parish Councils receive funding by levying a "precept" upon the Council Tax paid by the residents of the Parish covered by the Council.
All funds, income and expenses, are externally audited each year.
Warmfield-cum-Heath Parish Council is made up of 9 unpaid councillors who are elected to serve, and the Parish Council clerk.
The boundaries of the Warmfield-cum-Heath Parish are shown on the Parish Maps page.
Monthly Parish Council meetings are held at the Community Centre in Kirkthorpe (except in August and December), usually, but not always, on the third Wednesday of the month at 7pm.
Residents of the Parish are welcome to attend for the Public Participation held at the start of each meeting, to bring up any issues affecting residents or the Parish.
Meeting dates and proposed agendas are displayed on notice boards in the three areas of the Parish, at Heath outside the King’s Arms public house, Kirkthorpe outside the footpath entrance to the Community Centre, and Warmfield at the ‘Meter’ bus stop on Wakefield Road A655, and are posted on this website on the Meetings and Minutes page.